10 proven ways to increase app downloads

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10 proven ways to increase app downloads

17 October 2023 Uncategorized 0

There are close to 9 million mobile apps in the world, which means you are competing with a vast sea of apps to grow your own. But, low app download rates are not favoring you in this competition. You may be wondering why users are not downloading your app, or how to increase app downloads.

Let’s give you some clarity on your issue. If you want to boost the number of app downloads, you must ensure that your app is easily discoverable by your users. Increasing your app’s visibility will subsequently boost app installs. Learn about the top 10 effective ways that you can implement to enhance the visibility of your app and increase app downloads.

Let’s discuss them in detail.

  1. User Acquisition Campaigns

    Online campaigns that are aimed to acquire new users for apps are called user acquisition campaigns. This is one of the most effective ways to increase app downloads. These campaigns can be run through various digital advertising channels like social media, paid searches, emails, etc.

    Stages of acquiring new users

    There are 4 stages to acquiring new users using these campaigns:

    1. Attract potential leads to create awareness about the app.
    2. Engage and direct them to the app.
    3. Encourage the leads to take action and convert them into active users.
    4. Make consistent efforts to retain them.

    CPI (Cost Per Install) is one of the most effective pricing models to measure the success of user acquisition campaigns. In this model, advertisers pay publishers for every app install their ad generates. This is specifically used as a form of mobile app user acquisition campaigns.

    There are multiple user acquisition strategies that you can adopt to increase app downloads. You must gain an understanding of the best user acquisition strategies in the market, so that you may invest in the right one. So, experiment with different strategies, measure their effectiveness, and optimize your approach to achieve long-term success.

  2. Performance Marketing

    Performance marketing is a type of digital advertising that delivers guaranteed results through performance-based campaigns. In this kind of marketing, you pay for the strategies that deliver the results you want. This can be app installs, ad clicks, lead generation, conversions, or registrations.

    It is an effective strategy that evaluates campaign success in real-time, thus preventing wasteful ad spending on ineffective advertising. To run a successful performance marketing campaign, you must first establish a clear objective, and determine the most effective channels, and campaign types. Cost Per Action (CPA), Cost Per Mille (CPM), and Cost Per Purchase (CPP) are some of the major pricing models of performance marketing campaigns.

  3. App Store Optimization (ASO)

    First impressions matter. Imagine yourself as a user looking to download an app. You find an app with a flashy app icon, poorly written app description, no screenshots previews, negative user reviews, and ratings. Why will you ever download such an app?

    That’s how a user thinks. As hinted above, there are certain key factors for getting your app discovered on the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. App Store Optimization (ASO) is a powerful strategy to increase the visibility of your app in the app store. Enhancing your app’s visibility helps increase app downloads by boosting its ranking.

    The app stores list the top apps when a user searches for an app. This is called app listing. So, if you want your app to get discovered, your app must get listed at the top of the app store listing, and ASO impacts this listing.

    Here are some must-do things to optimize your app on the app stores:

    1. Keywords: To improve your app’s traction and visibility, do keyword research, and find relevant high-ranking keywords for your app. Keyword research tools like Semrush, Ahrefs, and Google Keyword Planner can help you do this task easily.
    2. App Name: Choose a short, unique, and memorable app name that relates to your app’s niche. Keep the app name ASO-friendly by keeping it: a short name within 30 characters, using relevant keywords, and avoiding special characters. For example, Sikka – Money Earning App.
    3. Description: Use relevant keywords in your app description and explain the app’s features and functionalities. Google Play Store apps need long and short-form descriptions, whereas the Apple App Store supports only long-form.
    4. Visuals: Make sure your app icon is simple, clear, and user-friendly. Showcase your app’s key features and functionality, by using visually appealing screenshots and videos.
    5. Reviews & Ratings: This is a great way to attract new users. Higher ratings and positive reviews increase app downloads. Find the best way to connect with your existing users, and encourage them to rate and provide feedback for your app. Be sure not to annoy them while doing so.
  4. App Localization

    Make your app easily accessible and understandable to a wider audience. Reach a greater number of people who can understand your app. If your app is easy for people to understand, they are more likely to download it, which in turn leads to an overall increase in app downloads.

    Expand your audience worldwide by adapting your app to different languages, regions, and cultures. Localize your app’s content and optimize the app store by localizing the app name, title, description, and visuals. Remember to use relevant keywords suiting the geography and language.

    Focus on user experience that would eventually lead to positive reviews, and most importantly word of mouth referrals. By implementing this strategy, you can effectively increase app downloads and drive more success for your app.

  5. Website

    Many users tend to search for apps on search engines like Google. This is why you must consider creating a website for your app. Leverage Search Engine Optimization (SEO) best practices to make your app’s website more discoverable. This approach has consistently proven to be one of the most impactful ways to increase app downloads.

    Present the best features of your app with attention-grabbing images, teasers, and tutorial videos. You can also include testimonials, informative blogs, resources, and more to market your app. Be sure to include a strong call to action that prompts them to download your app.

  6. Social Media

    Establish your social presence to increase app downloads. Social media is one of the most promising ways to drive traffic to your app in today’s day and age. You will be losing out on a lot if you don’t have an active social media presence for your app.

    Relevant content always catches the user’s eye. Do some research and experiment to identify the social channels and strategies that give the most engagement to your app.

    Tips to maintain an active social presence

    1. Just creating an account is not enough, you have to keep your audience engaged by actively posting relevant content.
    2. Ensure your social posts reflect your app’s personality and voice
    3. Strategize content and post relevant content consistently.
    4. Promptly respond to user queries and concerns.
    5. Promote your content, new app features, etc., and generate traffic.
    6. Include a strong CTA and drive traffic to your app.
  7. Press

    Publicize your app by pitching it to reputed news sites and blogs. Approach them with a newsworthy pitch; innovative and interesting pieces are always picked up by publishers. Moreover, every publication has a technology section with thousands of readers. This is great traffic to invest in, to increase app downloads. These coverages can be free or paid depending upon the publications.

    Tips to consider while approaching press

    1. Find blogs or news sites that publish articles within your app niche.
    2. Target publications geographically, if you are looking out for audiences from specific geographies.
    3. Do deep research about the publication and writers of the sites. This helps you build a good rapport with the writers or editors.
    4. Pitch your app from the most innovative and interesting angle possible. Bear in mind that the information has to engage the audience, for them to install your app.
    Tips for approaching press
    Tips for approaching press

    Having multiple coverages is commendable, but so is one solid publication with the right audience that can effectively increase app downloads.

  8. Influencer Marketing

    Partnering with an influencer can help you to increase app downloads easily by reaching new audiences in a short period. Influencer promotions are usually paid and worth the investment, if reached out to the right influencer. You can get a lot of traffic by monetizing the influencer’s audience.

    How do you know if the influencer is right for you

    Use the web and social media to find your influencers. Track the influencers in your app niche who have a substantial target audience. While price is an important factor to consider when hiring an influencer, bear in mind that quality comes at a cost. If you come across an influencer who charges slightly above your budget, don’t be frugal to afford it.

    Tips to connect with influencers

    1. Build a rapport with them by engaging on their platforms.
    2. Give them a good enough reason as to why you want to collaborate with them.
    3. Make your requirements known clearly.
  9. Content Marketing

    This is one of the most effective app marketing strategies to get more leads and conversions. Content marketing attracts, engages, and creates brand awareness among users. Market your apps by adding various content like blogs, videos, podcasts, e-books, and other media. These contents can be marketed through websites, socials, emails, etc.

    Posting relevant content regularly on your website gives a major SEO boost that makes your app’s website more discoverable. Focussing on this method can help improve your app’s visibility and thus increase app downloads.

  10. App Referral

    This is one of the most powerful strategies to increase app downloads. Create an entertaining app experience that encourages users to refer the app to their friends and family. Include a referral system with some incentives that prompt your users to promote your app within their network. You can reach a wider audience organically and increase app downloads.

Final Thoughts

Increasing app downloads is indeed a huge challenge. But by implementing these 10 powerful strategies, you can effectively increase app downloads and make a significant impact on your app’s overall success. Experiment with different strategies and figure out the best one(s) that work for your app.

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