Top 6 verticals & offers for push ads

Bulkcpa Affiliate Network

Top 6 verticals & offers for push ads

9 April 2024 Uncategorized 0

Promoting the best verticals and offers for push ads is the right way to profit with this ad format… but how to know which niches are the top-performing on push traffic?

Here, we’ve prepared a list of 6 recommended verticals and offers for push ads, figured on insight data of one of the biggest ad networks!

In this article you will find top verticals and offers for push ads, along with creative examples and top-performing geos for each niche! Also you will find top offers for push traffic to run on provided by Yellana CPA network!

Best verticals and offers for push ads

We at RichAds ad network have been providing affiliates with the opportunity to run campaigns on push traffic since 2018 (we also went by RichPush name back then)! During that time we’ve been gathering expertise analysing the data of campaigns performed at our platform and now ready to share it.

The list of recommended verticals and offers for push ads:

  • Gambling;
  • Betting;
  • Finance;
  • Dating;
  • Antivirus;
  • Sweepstakes.

Each month we share a report on the best geos and verticals based on RichAds’ inner statistic, to increase profits of your campaigns! Check articles by the tag ‘Best geos and verticals at RichAds‘ and stay updated on the most current trends in the affiliate marketing!

1. Gambling

Gambling is among the top profitable verticals at almost every ad format, as the iGaming industry itself grows worldwide every year. Since push ads show ads to users after subscribing, it’s more likely to catch the interested audience promoting this niche. Gambling audience, in its turn, stays quite consistent, as players prefer to act by an impulse, and push-notification ads can be quite engaging at a time!

To promote Gambling offers on push ads efficiently, you might want to consider the ‘gold standard’ of very bright and promising creatives with bonuses or free spins. Also, highlighting the product brand is a plus, since push ads increase trust to the offers as they look like a familiar legit push notification! Plus to that, consider regions you advertise offers on, since audience from higher Tier countries usually gambles for entertainment and emotions, and the lower Tier geos audience considers gambling a way to earn money.

Top-performing geos to promote Gambling offers with push ads: Indonesia, Vietnam, USA, Brazil, Russia.

2. Betting

Betting is being one of the ‘evergreen’ niches to be promoted with push traffic. That is so due to the fact that Betting audience is more likely to return after a time, since there are many various seasonal events to bet on, for example, football world cups. Push ads require users to subscribe to the ads delivery, and via that they get a constant reminding of current sports events!

For advertising Betting offers with push traffic you can utilise different approaches, starting with bonus giveaways, and continuing with ‘secret tactics’ revelations. Betting audience engages with the thought of winning easy money with bets and fast withdrawals, so you can emphasize those parts as well. Make sure to check the geos’ regulations on sportsbook activity, as regional legislation process, like in Brazil, raises the audience’s engagement in the offers.

Top-performing geos to promote Betting offers with push ads: Brazil, Nigeria, Ukraine, Indonesia, Vietnam.

3. Finance

Finance vertical is considered to be of the ‘umbrella’ ones, which include many different niches united under one lead. Since Finance offers are usually focused on providing a way to make money, the audience is also quite diverse, but not unpredictable. The variety of products rounding that theme can be exploited to transfer the audience from one product to another, if preserved accordingly.

Now the main niches in Finance offers promoted via push ads consist of mostly banking and trading products. The approaches might vary also, since trading platforms require brand recognizing strategy, and investing solutions emphasize easy-to-withdraw-funds touch. Some products might be more performing due to the regional trends, such as investing in CIS countries nowadays.

Top-performing geos to promote Finance offers with push ads: Russia, USA, Armenia, Kazakhstan.

4. Dating

Dating is a classic vertical to promote on push ads, and have been in front line for this ad format from the very beginning. The amount of niches it constantly produces leaves affiliates with no other choice but to advertise as many of them as possible. Push traffic empowers that by looking exactly like a notification from an app, which most Dating offers are. Thus, push ads increase the trust to the products, and provide an easy engagement approach to the audience.

For Dating offers advertising on push ads it’s pretty much simple – what you see is what you get. You can promote products by straightforwardly highlighting the platform brand, or via disguising it as a direct message. The more niched and specified the offer is, the more expected the audience will be attracted by it. And the most incredible thing is that Dating isn’t strictly dependent on regions in terms of profitable advertising.

Top-performing geos to promote Dating offers with push ads: Indonesia, USA, France, Italy, China.

5. Antivirus

Web security has been a point of high interest by almost any user since the very beginning of the internet itself. People tend to increase attention to online safety after a plain reminder, which push ads might serve as. Push advertising notifications offering Antivirus solutions can trigger both concern and need to attend the problem, since the issue is highlight at hand, and the salvation is provided.

For Antivirus offers there are traditionally two ways of advertising: a situational warning and a service discount. Either approach successfully targets its audience, whether it’s impulsive users concerned by malware threats or calculated ones that perceive a beneficial deal. As for geos, the top Tier countries’ users seem to be more worried about web security than others.

Top-performing geos to promote Antivirus offers with push ads: USA, Germany, Japan.

6. Sweepstakes

Sweepstakes can be considered an evergreen vertical for push ads, that has it’s peak seasons. Mostly, advertising Sweepstakes offers might be a profitable addition to your ad campaigns while facing holidays or some other events related to gifts.

Most of the niches in Sweepstakes verticals are related to giveaways and gift cards, less frequently services like gym programs or courses. With such approaches as a direct message alike notifications by famous brands, Sweepstakes can be very performing for the right audience. As for geos tips on advertising this niche, it’s most popular in Tier 3 countries, with some exceptions due to seasonal events.

Top-performing geos to promote Sweepstakes offers with push ads: USA, Pakistan, Philippines, Mexico.

Top-performing offers for push traffic by Yellana CPA network

Yellana is an affiliate network launched by RichAds. Now it’s a complete platform for affiliates to find profitable CPA offers among top verticals such as Gambling, Betting, Finance, Dating, and etc. Below you will find some offers for push traffic provided by Yellana!


Since top verticals and offers for push traffic aren’t just a matter of trends, rather a consistent picture of niches that bring profits promoted via this ad format, you’re free to test them. Note that within these niches there can be adjustments in popular products due to seasonal events. Also, taking into account the geo is a plus, since different niches might have their audience only in a certain region.

We at RichAds have been working with push traffic for many years, and determined the best functionality for you to run push ads campaigns on our platform. You can launch offers on push notifications on over 220 geos from Tier 3 to Tier 1, and get profits with quality traffic. Start earning on running push ads with RichAds!

What is RichAds?
🔝 High quality push and pop ads,
🔼 domain redirect and native traffic source,
🔝 buy push ads at $0.005 (CPC), pop ads at $0.5 (CPM),
⏫ domain ads costs start from $1.5 (CPM), native ads — from $0.001 (CPC),
⏫ ad network offers large volumes of traffic in more than 200 geos from Tier 3 to Tier 1.

The post Top 6 verticals & offers for push ads appeared first on RichAds Blog.

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