How to use popunder to gain Dating traffic

Bulkcpa Affiliate Network

How to use popunder to gain Dating traffic

14 February 2024 Uncategorized 0

We published a lot of materials on how to work with online Dating and how much money you can actually make, even if you’re a newbie.

In this article, we will talk more about Dating traffic and, more specifically, popunder Dating traffic.

Now when we’ve celebrated Christmas and the New Year, it’s time we started preparing for another holiday that is coming up: Valentine’s Day. We believe that the best way to make profit during the days leading up to it is trying out Dating offers. And, in our opinion, the easiest choice to promote them would be popunder traffic.

So, in this article, we’ll talk about how you can run popunder ads in the dating niche with maximum profit.

What is the online Dating vertical?

According to Statista, around 366 million (yes, million) people resorted to the services of online dating in 2022. And it’s believed that by 2028 this number should go up as high as 452.5 million users and the niche is expected to reach the market volume of $3.46 billion. 

The number of dating sites users in 2018-2028 in million (Statista)

The Dating vertical has been around for a while now and is still considered to be one of the most popular and profitable niches in affiliate marketing. And rightfully so: affiliates keep showing great performance and drive thousands of conversions regularly. 

So, what is online dating? These are all the dating apps that you find on App Store or Google Play, websites with the sole purpose of connecting people. Usually Dating offers are divided into two subcategories: mainstream (Tinder, Hinge, OkCupid etc. where people are mainly looking for a relationship) and non-mainstream offers (18+ apps/websites/forums where people are looking for partners for specific purposes – e.g. Match, Benaughty).

Main payout models in the Dating niche

Basically, there are three main payout models in the dating niche:

  • CPL (SOI, DOI) – a sign up on a website or a dating app with one click and no verification (SOI), or when you need to verify your registration with a code from SMS or email (DOI);
  • CPS – an online purchase within the app/website; 
  • Revenue Share – a subscription renewal or any other purchases that were made by the user since they signed up. 

The rates for online dating offers vary depending on every particular offer, its GEO and target audience. However, most advertisers would set CPL at $1+ in Tier 3 countries, in Tier 2 and Tier 1 the rates would obviously be higher. 

In general, landing pages of any mainstream dating offer would look similar to the one below. It gets the most essential information from the user – what partner they are looking for and where they are located. Some landing pages even have some information about the dating website or app.

Most online dating offers prefer the most simple version of a landing page: just get the user to fill out the simplest form that will take less than a minute to complete – and here is your conversion!

Targeting the right audience with Dating traffic

The target audience of dating apps and websites is truly diverse: from young adults to 60+, from India to the US. It is usually determined by the advertiser and the target audience of the dating website: there are apps who target specific countries as well as specific gender, age, groups. 

If we speak about more general trends in Dating, we can definitely say that people in the age of 25-34 are more active on dating apps than the older generation. In terms of gender, men are more likely to sign up for a dating app than women (interesting trend, isn’t it?).

Before starting traffic get to know the target audience of the offer, so that you make the creatives and the call to action that will definitely encourage them to proceed with signing up. 

The best traffic sources for online dating offers

How do you choose Dating traffic?

There are so many traffic sources, starting with your regular push notifications and popunder ads, up to Facebook or Google Ads. However, the latter sources might turn out to be quite tricky, especially if you’re working with 18+ offers.

You’ve surely heard other media buyers complaining about Facebook changing their policy, banning separate ad campaigns or even ad accounts. For seasoned affiliates this might not be a big deal: they bounce back pretty quickly. For any newbie who just managed to launch the campaign after hours of researching this would be a hard blow. 

But thanks to ad networks these problems can be easily avoided: most ad formats presented there are a great fit for Dating traffic. Let’s have a look at some of the formats that show the best results with online dating.

1. Push notifications for Dating promotion

Push ads are a great ad format that looks like a notification on the website/app with a clear call to action. They are difficult to ignore and show great performance if you make eye-catchy creatives and an easy-to-follow funnel from there.

All a user needs to do is click on it, get redirected to the landing page and fill out the form. The advantages are obvious: there is no banner blindness and compared to Facebook Ads the price per click will be much lower which, in its turn, improves the overall performance. 

There are downsides too: if a user never agreed to receiving notifications, they won’t see your ads. What’s more, some website and app owners might use dishonest methods and offer bots instead of real people.

2. Native advertisements for online dating

Native traffic is the least aggressive ad format where an ad mimics the real content of the website and looks like a natural suggestion following the text of the article.

It is less intrusive and will likely not irritate the potential client. However, it might be easily ignored if your approach doesn’t push their pain buttons. Which means, you will have to spend a lot of time on making creatives and making sure that the content is both fitting and engaging. 

You might get problems trying to target the audience of the offer with this ad format (especially with 18+ offers or targeting minorities): usually women are more likely to get interested in the ad, especially, following such article headings as “how to find a serious relationship” or “I’ve found love after 5 years of trying: here is my story”.

What’s more, it’s a tad more expensive than other formats.

3. Popunder ads for dating sites

Popunder ads are the type of ads where a new window would pop up on your computer screen simultaneously with the window the user wanted to open. They give you the simplest flow ever: a user needs to open the window that popped up with the landing page (or a pre-lander) and join the website/app. No need to prepare creatives, ask the user to agree to something. A conversion takes just one step.

Let’s see why pop traffic is the simplest and most profitable alternative for those who want to work with Dating offers.

Why choose popunder traffic for online dating?

Popunder ads for dating sites can be considered beginner-friendly as they do not require that you make any banners or creatives. The user just goes to the landing page and does the action. 

More advantages of popunder traffic:

  • ✅ a big audience;
  • ✅ one of the least expensive ad formats out there (at RichAds the bid for CPM starts at $0.5 for Tier 3);
  • ✅ higher CR (no additional steps for the user to perform the target action);
  • ✅ a wide GEO coverage; 
  • ✅ desktop and mobile-friendly. 

The disadvantages:

  • ❌Lots of bots (ad networks try to optimize and improve the quality of traffic, you might also need to use tools to block bot traffic); 
  • ❌Harder to optimize due to big volumes of traffic: analyze data and utilize advanced tracking tools;
  • ❌Traffic is very diverse, harder to target the right audience.

At the same time, popunder ads are considered to be the easiest advertising format to master in affiliate marketing. Many of the described difficulties can be overcome by choosing an offer for a wide audience and an advertising network where traffic is cleaned from bots and there is clear reporting and manager help to deal with difficulties marketers may face. One of such advertising network is RichAds, which offers native ads, push and pop ads.

What is RichAds?
🔝 Push and pop ads,
🔼 Direct click traffic,
🔝 CPM for domain ads starts from $1.5,
⏫ CPC for push ads starts from $0.005,
🔼 CPM for pops — from $0.5 in Tier 3, $1 in Tier 1,
⏫ large volumes of available traffic in more than 200 GEOs.

Landing page examples for gaining popunder ads for Dating sites

Marketers need to know a few important points when it comes to creatives for popunder dating traffic.

The landing or pre-lending page is the first and only element a potential user will interact with. The creative opens in a separate tab when the user explores the site’s content. This means he will see the tab when he closes the previous tab or it will appear above the tab he is exploring. Your page will have a second to interest the user before they close it. 

Creatives for popander ads should be very simple and straightforward. Ideally, the landing and pre-lending should consist of a large picture and text (simple short sentences) and a prominent button. In addition, the landing page should load very quickly, so the user has time to notice what is on it. 

In the case of popunder ads, both pre-lendings pages and landing pages can be used. Pre-lendings page, as a rule, simply engages the user. For this purpose often use pages with enticing appeals to “rate the girl”, or “girls are waiting for you”, in other words, use different enticements. And on the landing page, there are fields for registration on the service.

The best GEOs for popunder ads in Dating niche

Every month RichAds advertising network shares TOP GEOs and verticals for different types of traffic based on our internal analytics, so that our partners have the most profitable ad campaigns. 

According to our data, the following GEOs showed the best results with popunder traffic in January 2024:

  • USA;
  • Indonesia;
  • Russia;
  • Vietnam;
  • Malaysia;
  • Japan.
The best GEOs for Pop ads in January 2024 at RichAds ad network

How to drive popunder ads for Dating sites 

To get profit with popunder in the dating niche is not difficult: you just need to choose the right offer (with a wider targeted audience) and set up the ad campaign. Here are some of the tips from RichAds that will help you succeed:

1. Do not limit yourself with one landing page

One landing page will likely not show the results you want to see. Instead of testing just one landing page, you can try out several landing pages and even pre-landers (they are not necessary, but still might be a good option to improve the CR). Don’t forget to have them localized – translated to the language of the target GEO (it’s especially important for dating traffic).

To test several landing pages simultaneously you need to set up several ad campaigns with different Destination URLs. Don’t choose too many targeting settings in Advanced settings (only if the offer requires them) to get the bigger picture of the performance. 

2. Separate mobile and desktop traffic

We’ve seen from experience that the best performing campaigns were the ones where you didn’t mix mobile and desktop traffic together. You will get a better CPM and the format of the landings will be more appropriate for the device.

3. Always optimize popunder ad campaigns

Popunder traffic always requires attention and constant tweaks: scale the better performing landing pages, see if the target audience is the right one, improve any other aspect to get more profit.

Before setting up the campaign you will have three optimization options to choose from: Performance Mode, Manual CPM and Target CPA. We recommend choosing Performance Mode: every day you will get updated whitelists with the best converting traffic sources according to the internal data from RichAds.


Driving popunder traffic to the online dating vertical is a great opportunity to test out the niche itself, whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned affiliate. Just follow a few simple rules: 

  • choose an offer with a simpler flow that has an easy-to-navigate landing page and a clear call to action;
  • choose the target audience according to what demographic the dating app/website specializes in;
  • review the performance and optimize the ad campaign.

RichAds has a lot of options for your ad campaigns with popunder traffic: check them out here.

What is RichAds?
🔝 Push and pop ads,
🔼 Direct click traffic,
🔝 CPM for domain ads starts from $1.5,
⏫ CPC for push ads starts from $0.005,
🔼 CPM for pops — from $0.5 in Tier 3, $1 in Tier 1,
⏫ large volumes of available traffic in more than 200 GEOs.

The post How to use popunder to gain Dating traffic appeared first on RichAds Blog.

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