Pop-up or pop-under: which is better

Bulkcpa Affiliate Network

Pop-up or pop-under: which is better

9 September 2024 Uncategorized 0

Pop ads are a very effective advertising format that possesses extreme traffic volumes worldwide and provides a high CR approach. But as it gets to popup vs popunder stage, the opinions might vary.

In this article, RichAds ad network’s team will explain what pop-up and pop-under ads are, how they differ, along with tips on advertising with pops.

What is pop-up advertising?

Pop-up is a pop-traffic ad format that opens a new tab when a user clicks on a publisher’s website with a special JS script. The newly opened browser window presents a landing page with the offer, or sometimes a pre-landing page, and for pop-up ads it appears above the current page. Essentially, it leads to a user once clicking on a random spot on a website, gets a fully uncovered offer right over the previous page.

The advantages of pop-up ads

Popups are very straightforward in terms of engaging the audience which makes them extremely effective and popular among marketers.

The main advantages of popups:

  • Escaping banner blindness.
    As pop-up ads appear above the pages, it’s really hard to miss them, yet some might find that over-intrusive.
  • Increased CTR.
    It’s really difficult to ignore popups, which works well with impulsive audiences that can see the main offer right away.
  • Affordable CPM rates.
    Pop traffic is quite cheap itself and since popups demand a landing page as the only creative and basic targeting options to start, they’re cost effective in reaching various audiences.
  • Huge traffic volumes.
    As launching popups is easy and cost-effective on both advertiser and publisher sides, this ad format possesses tremendous volumes of traffic worldwide.

What is RichAds?
🔝 High quality push and pop ads,
🔼 domain redirect and native traffic source,
🔝 buy push ads at $0.005 (CPC), pop ads at $0.5 (CPM),
⏫ domain ads costs start from $1.5 (CPM), native ads — from $0.001 (CPC),
⏫ ad network offers large volumes of traffic in more than 200 geos from Tier 3 to Tier 1.

What is popunder advertising?

Popunder (also known as clickunder, on-click ads) is another pop-traffic ad format that appears to the users once they click a random spot on a publisher’s site with the JS script. The only difference is that the tab with the landing page opens under the current page, which provides another way to approach the audience. Users might keep surfing the web even after a popunder tab opens, or without knowing of it, but eventually they will come across it and see the offer.

The advantages of pop-under ads

Popunder traffic is a bit more discreet than popups which doesn’t imply less effectiveness as this more elaborate approach solves another inconvenience of pop-up advertising.

The main advantages of popunders:

  • Non-intrusive yet hard to miss.
    While appearing above all pages might be of some benefit for pop-up ads, many find that intrusive and develop an instant negative reaction, which turns into closing the window as soon as possible. Popunders resolve this issue, so now users might keep engaging the web experience non-interrupted, but they will notice the ad eventually.
  • High CR.
    As users no longer build a rejection towards a sudden and intrusive ad, they pay attention to what tabs are already opened. People still tend to lean towards closing the tab once they realise an ad is shown, but this time they get the chance to take a glance at it.
  • Relatively cheap traffic.
    Both clickunders and pop-ups usually work by the CPM model but the cost might vary. Some ad networks don’t separate pop-under and pop-up traffic, so the price is almost the same, for example, at RichAds ad network the CPM bid on pops starts from $0.5.
  • Worldwide coverage.
    Popunder traffic is spread across the globe, adapting to all Tier geos markets and verticals. Essentially, the softer approach made a difference, as now popunder campaigns are run worldwide with only increasing tendency.

Pop-up vs popunder: what’s the best to choose?

Since the main difference between pop-up and pop-unders is that the former opens a new tab above the current one and the latter — under, so the choice will depend on the preference of approaches.

Pop-up ads can be very effective with their sudden approach, but the same thing might alienate users and develop a reaction of closing such tabs instantly over time. Popunder ads on the other hand feature a more subtle approach and are less likely to be closed without having a look at the offer.

The CPM costs don’t differ very much on popups and popunders, nor do traffic volumes, since many advertising networks don’t separate the traffic from these formats. You can learn more about peculiarities of this traffic source in our previous article on pops advertising.

Where to buy popup and popunder traffic?

Though technically it’s possible to approach publishers personally to run pop ads on their traffic, but since it takes too much time and isn’t worth the eventual volumes, users tend to approach pop ad networks. For example, RichAds ad network (previously known as RichPops) has been providing marketers with pop traffic since 2019, securing high quality and wide geo coverage. We work with pops by CPM model, which charges you for every 1000 impressions on the ad.

Our platform even features a Predictor functionality that allows you to see the amount of traffic you will get with your targeting parameters and selected CPM bid.

At RichAds for Tier 3 countries the cost for pop traffic starts from $0.5 per 1000 impressions, while the CPM for Tier 1 geos will start at $1.

What is RichAds?
🔝 High quality push and pop ads,
🔼 domain redirect and native traffic source,
🔝 buy push ads at $0.005 (CPC), pop ads at $0.5 (CPM),
⏫ domain ads costs start from $1.5 (CPM), native ads — from $0.001 (CPC),
⏫ ad network offers large volumes of traffic in more than 200 geos from Tier 3 to Tier 1.

Tips for advertising on pop-ups or popunders by RichAds

Here, you will find some essential tips by RichAds pop ad network for launching ad campaigns on popup or popunder traffic with the highest efficiency!

6 tips on launching pop-up and pop-under ads by RichAds:

  • Launch in Performance Mode for improved optimization.
    Performance mode is an in-house feature on RichAds platform that will automatically add fresh whitelists to ad campaigns every week. The algorithm behind it analyses what traffic sources and targetings perform the best and enhances them. This is a really good choice for both beginners and experts who work with pop ads as working with such high traffic volumes will demand careful sorting.
  • Make sure the landing pages are localized and optimized.
    Since pop advertising requires landing pages as the only creative, the users’ engagement with the offer starts there. In order to make the exploring seamless, make sure the page is correctly translated into the needed language. Plus to that, it’s important how long it takes for a page to appear and none wants to wait for an ad, make sure the landing page load speed is faster than 1 second. That can be achieved with a fast hosting, for example, TimeWeb, and connected VPS or CDN like Cloudflare.
  • Test landing pages to determine the best converting one.
    Running A/B split testing for landing pages is essential for a successful campaign. At RichAds, we recommend running different campaigns for testing several landing pages to find the most performing one, then scale it to get more profit.
  • Separate pop campaigns for mobile and desktop devices.
    For either pop-up and popunder ads, it’s recommended to start separate campaigns while targeting both mobile and desktop devices. The CPM bids for pops on these devices might vary, so to avoid overpaying for traffic, it’s better to keep them apart.
  • Start on the pop traffic sources with the highest quality.
    For example, at RichAds the traffic is traditionally sorted into four groups: Premium, Standart, Remnant and New. The Premium sublist provides the best performing sources regardless of geo and niches. Since pops possess huge volumes of traffic worldwide, it’s best to start off with the ones of highest quality.
  • Set up Automated rules for sorting pops traffic.
    This feature allows marketers to set a specific criteria on sources by which they might be, for instance, turned off and added for blacklists. In case a source shows underperforming or non-converting results, it will automatically be removed from the campaign. This would also help in handling the amount of pop traffic.

You can also monitor what’s trending to run on pops right now in our best geos and verticals series of articles. There, you will see insights gathered from RichAds’ platform on the most converting geos and verticals updated each month!


Popup and popunder ads are different only in the mechanism of their appearance, which in its turn affects the approach. Apart from that, both share similarly huge traffic volumes and relatively affordable prices.

We at RichAds have been working with pop-traffic since 2019 and implemented our expertise in the platform. You can launch pop campaigns in over 220 geos from Tier 3 and Tier 1, having access to essential optimizing tools. Run successful ads on quality pop traffic by RichAds!

What is RichAds?
🔝 High quality push and pop ads,
🔼 domain redirect and native traffic source,
🔝 buy push ads at $0.005 (CPC), pop ads at $0.5 (CPM),
⏫ domain ads costs start from $1.5 (CPM), native ads — from $0.001 (CPC),
⏫ ad network offers large volumes of traffic in more than 200 geos from Tier 3 to Tier 1.

The post Pop-up or pop-under: which is better appeared first on RichAds Blog.

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