Top 18 push advertising examples and creative approaches

Bulkcpa Affiliate Network

Top 18 push advertising examples and creative approaches

23 April 2024 Uncategorized 0

In this article, RichAds ad network team will show the top 18 push ads examples for top 6 verticals to generate buzz, drive conversions, and create memorable brand experiences.

How to make push ad creatives? Top three proven ways

Before we get down to actual push ad copy examples, let’s understand how push creatives are actually generated and where to find them for an ordinary marketer.

Basically, there are three common ways to find or get creatives for push ads, all of them shared below!

Hint#1. Use spy tools

There are many push ads spy tools, some of them can even be free, the whole list can be found here. Basically, such tools collect different types of creatives approaches from various affiliate marketing ad networks.

Such tools allow lots of filters and sorting, from keywords and time period to countries, traffic sources and ad networks. Any marketer can find push creative ads examples for their specific offers there.

Important: don’t steal creatives from spy tools. You can use them as references or ideas, but make sure you don’t actually copy them, or CTR will be low and your ads won’t get enough traffic.

Hint#2. Generate creatives via AI tools

This method is a bit more effective than spy tools, as the images and texts generated by AI will be authentic and original.

While texts can be generated solely by Chat GPT, there are many alternatives for pics creation.

Top AI tools for image generation:

  • Midjorney 
  • Microsoft Designer
  • Leonardo AI

The question is how to generate push ads copy via AI?

That’s really easy — you just need to write a detailed prompt, both for image and text creation.

(examples of push ads texts generated by Chat GPT)

The same works with images, just write a really insightful prompt that reflects anything you need to be specified on a picture. 

Prompt example:
Create several realistic photos of a woman winning in an online casino. She’s very happy, she won a jackpot. It shall be an image for a push ad banner.

(examples of push ad banners generated by Microsoft Designer)

Those are the main hints you need to know when working with push advertising examples made by AI. Also, a marketer needs to make sure that there are zero unnecessary elements on good push ads creatives, it needs to look realistic.

Hint#3. Order custom creatives at RichAds

That’s actually the easiest one of the most convenient ways —- you can just order creatives for free at the RichAds ad network.

Our managers will localize them and personalize them for a specific offer, and provide several alternative icons, texts and banners. So this option is the most effortless and fast, don’t neglect it!

What is RichAds?
🔝 High quality push and pop ads,
🔼 domain redirect and native traffic source,
🔝 buy push ads at $0.005 (CPC), pop ads at $0.5 (CPM),
⏫ domain ads costs start from $1.5 (CPM), native ads — from $0.001 (CPC),
⏫ ad network offers large volumes of traffic in more than 200 geos from Tier 3 to Tier 1.

TOP 18 examples of push ads: most luring verticals edition

We’ve collected the most trending examples of push ad creatives for the top 6 verticals at RichAds for the format.

Top 6 verticals are:

  • Gambling,
  • Betting,
  • Dating,
  • Nutra,
  • Sweepstakes,
  • Antivirus.

Make sure you check out all the most converting push advertising examples for highest CTR on your offers!

Gambling creatives examples

Gambling niche is all about emotions and there are overall three approaches that help to gain profit no matter what GEO or audience you choose.

The most converting ideas for Gambling include using interactive elements that fire a desire to play casino, like spin wins, as well as implementing exclusive bonuses for new users. Finally, success stories about an ordinary person that won in an online casino is also a great way to go!

push ads examples

More examples can be checked out here!

Betting creatives examples

This niche is quite similar to Gambling in terms of push ads copy approaches, as Betting target audience is also quite impulsive and prone to quick impulses.

Bonuses as well as calls to action will convert for the niche, though it’s also crucial to keep track of all the latest sport events, like World Cup or IPL, and use them on the creatives. You can also use an illusion of personalized messages and specify exact figures on your creatives.

push ad copy examples

Find a detailed Betting push ad creatives guide via link.

Dating creatives examples

Personalization is the key to Dating push notifications, the most converting approach is recreating a message from a dating site with realistic pics of men or women. 

Specify the age and distance as well as popular apps icons to make your push ad copies even more plausible! Also, don’t forget about diversity, women and men of different nationalities and age groups are attractive.

push ad creatives

Even more approaches are here.

Nutra creatives examples

The niche is all about testing different approaches, anything can convert for Nutra, so you need to add multiple approaches to one campaign.

Make sure to test scientific approach, referring to studies in your texts, as well as showing doctors on your creatives to seem more reliable. While for men’s health niche you need to show the effect, for weight loss products it’s crucial to show not only the result, but also the “before” pic!

push creative ads

More ideas for Nutra push ad copy examples.

Sweepstakes creatives examples

This vertical works greatly with specific numbers, as it’s all about prizes. Make sure you write how much money or goods a person can win.

Also, implement geo-targeted shops names as well as an effect of personalized message, this imitation works all the time. You can use phrases like “you won” or “answer a poll to win”, it’s quite similar to Gambling approach, but is a bit more about freebies, as basically nothing needs to be done by a user.

push ads copy

Antivirus creatives examples

How to make push ads examples for Antivirus offers? The answer is — quite easy! You just need to scare a potential customer and then make him feel protected!

To gain this effect, you can hint at a potential phone/browser infection or remind to renew an antivirus license, but don’t mention a real threat directly, make it as organic as possible. In order for your ads to seem more plausible, use famous browser icons, like Chrome, and popular antivirus brands.

push advertising examples

Read hacks on Antivirus push creatives.

How to work with push ad creatives? Main tips to remember

As now you know how to make push ads creatives for different verticals, let’s finalize this process and make sure you know the main principles of working with them!

Top hacks on push ad creatives:

  • Analyze your audience beforehand. You can gain data on your customers age, gender, behavior and preferences via Chat GPT to speed up the process.
  • Add from 5 to 10 creatives per campaign. This will help you to test all the possible approaches and identify which one converts best for your offer.
  • Renew creatives to gain higher CTR. Make sure you check the results of your creatives each 5 days and optimize the ones that do not convert.
  • Don’t steal creatives from spy tools. You can borrow an idea, but not an exact banner or text, as it’s already very popular and the audience won’t be into your ad at all!
  • Localize your push ads. If a creative is not translated properly or has spelling mistakes, the audience won’t be loyal.


We hope that the article helped you understand how to generate push ad creatives for the hottest verticals and know how to boost your CTR!

Don’t hesitate to contact RichAds team for free creatives specifically for you and start getting high profit with us today!

What is RichAds?
🔝 High quality push and pop ads,
🔼 domain redirect and native traffic source,
🔝 buy push ads at $0.005 (CPC), pop ads at $0.5 (CPM),
⏫ domain ads costs start from $1.5 (CPM), native ads — from $0.001 (CPC),
⏫ ad network offers large volumes of traffic in more than 200 geos from Tier 3 to Tier 1.

The post Top 18 push advertising examples and creative approaches appeared first on RichAds Blog.

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